After a year since it invaded Ukraine, now Russia is in the brink of massive loss. On February 7, 2023, Kyiv claimed that Russian forces have suffered their...
Standing shoulder to shoulder, the President of the EU Commission and the NATO secretary general pledged to pool their resources and expertise in a joint task...
Bomb shelters across Russia are undergoing systematic inspections and repairs following a Kremlin order to upgrade the country’s crumbling Soviet-era...
London, Brussels (7/2 – 25) “The objective for today is to come back alive.” Yevgeny is a young commando from the “Mad Pack”, a special forces unit that has...
Russia-Ukraine War: Ireland, Austria, France and Spain were the other members of the 27-country bloc to have frozen more than 1 billion euros each, according...
Russia and Iran’s relationship has warmed to a fully fledged defence partnership, the US has said. Russia is giving an unprecedented level of military...
What Russia cannot win on the battlefield, it is seeking to win by casting Ukrainian cities into the dark and cold as a long winter sets in. The...
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine now in its tenth month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is urging the international community to establish a...
BRUSSELS – European Union states should buy arms jointly to replenish stocks after supplying Ukraine, said the bloc’s defence agency, warning the United States...
The voices of Pamiri ethnic groups in Tajikistan reduced since May as the regime continues to stop freedom of speech in the Central Asian country by...