As the war in Israel rages, an ongoing struggle to control the narrative of the conflict is unfolding between Hamas and the Jewish state. This propaganda...
Global News
Exclusive: Defence and trade affected by poor post-Merkel rapport, says chair of foreign affairs committee Poor relations between France...
London, Toronto (28/10 – 20)Ask any police officer which of his or her duties are the most undesirable, dangerous, difficult and unrewarding. The worst call...
Controversial businessman Milan Radoicic said he planned the operation by armed Serbs that left a Kosovo policeman dead on Sunday himself, without Belgrade’s...
On 17 October, the European Union and the Council of Europe launched a joint project on ‘Support to the Justice Reform in the Republic of Moldova’. ...
Dexia finalises the merger by absorption of Dexia Crediop On 30 September 2023, Dexia Crédit Local finalised the cross-border merger by absorption of its 100%...
London, Delhi, Mumbai (28/10 – 10) England’s title defense in the 2023 Cricket World Cup is practically over, after their fourth defeat in five...
Frankfurt, Brussels (30/10 – 30) The French authorities have opened 64 different investigations into bomb threats, targeting airports, schools and museums...
India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, has highlighted the significance of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), stating that...
Do you know how many people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2022? Have you wondered about the distribution of income among...