European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) are organizing a policy roundtable entitled “What comes after? Transition out of the EU asylum reforms and the TPD”. It takes place in person on Thursday, 7 September (09h00 – 13h30) in the Press Club (Rue Froissart 95, 1040), Brussels, Belgium.
The EU’s future of asylum law and policy in the EU and the next phase in the EU’s response to displacement from Ukraine will be the centre of the discussions. The event will be divided into two sessions covering these two related topics. For each session, following opening remarks from speakers, all participants will be invited to provide questions, comments and reactions.
The first session focuses on the future of asylum law and policy in the EU. The panellists will share their insights on the current state of play on the proposals for reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the likely outcomes of the negotiations between the co-legislators, the future of the CEAS beyond the reform, and the possibilities to integrate lessons from the EU’s response to displacement from Ukraine to strengthen the CEAS.
The second session focuses on the EU’s response to displacement resulting from the invasion of Ukraine. The session will explore the latest developments in relation the implementation of the TPD and related national temporary protection regimes in the EU+, challenges and good practices in implementation, and the post-TP options upon the expiry of the current temporary protection regimes.
To attend the roundtable, please register here by Tuesday, 5 September 2023.
Registration might be closed earlier than the designated date due to the limited space available. For further questions about the roundtable or if you wish to cancel or alter your registration, please contact Begüm Dereli at [email protected]
The detailed agenda will be published here in due time.
Source: ecre