The program Nekā personīga (“Nothing personal”) on the Latvian television channel TV3 aired an extended story about the corruption scandal in the European...
Tag - Corruption
“These cases are completely beyond imagination. Cash was handed out left and right, like in a bad detective story.” Last Thursday, Francesco Giorgi...
When the police raided the home of the former socialist MEP and lawyer Pier Antonio Panzeri and found €500,000 in cash as part of the most serious corruption...
Controversial Turkish CEO Rüya Bayegan using prime minister Barzani’s right hand Rania Majeed to elbow her way back to Kurdistan? Ankara, Erbil (4/1 – 45)...
Elvira Kudryashova – businesswoman, toy merchant, and professional money launderer – has had a harder life than most of us will ever know. She was...
The Eureporter wrote, “On 10 August 2022, we published an article which reported that Kenes Rakishev had paid Fabian Baussart a substantial sum of...